We have this day drawn the following bill of exchange on your esteemed firm- No.123, $500,000, payable at sight.
We have to acquaint you that, in accordance with your instructions, we have this day drawn upon Messrs, tanaka & Co., at 60d/s for $200,000, inclusive of charges.
We advise you that we have drawn on you this day for $100,000, at 3m/d, to the order fo yourself, which we commend to your kind protection.
we have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you for $500,000, at 3m/s. for which we have credited you as usual.
因葡萄酒尚未售出, 近期也难有攻观, 我方目前不能遵照齐滕先生的指示将余额向贵方开出汇票或汇给贵方。
As the wines are not yet disposed of, nor likely to be for some time, we cannot obey Mr. Saito's orders as to drawing on you or remitting you the balance at present.
如有机会, 请向本人开出煤炭价款加上保险费的汇票。对于这批出口货物, 为弥补发生损害的损失, 请办理保险并在货值上再加保5%金额
Should you have an opportunity, you may draw on me for the cost of coal, together with that of insurance, which you will be so good as to effect on the outward cargo to its full value, with an addition of five per cent, to cover expenses in case of loss.
为收回款项, 请依照最有利的汇率, 向我方开出见票后60日付款的汇票, 并请同时提供发票、提单及保险单为荷。
For your reimbursement, you will draw on me at sixty days' sight, and at the most favourable exchange, furnishing me at the same time, with an invoice, bill of lading and insurance policy.
对贵方的发票金额, 请向汉堡 A公司开出见票后三个月付款的汇票, 附寄该公司提单一份, 并请该公司办理保险。
For the amount of your invoice, you will be so good as to draw on Messrs. A & Co. of Hamburg, at three months' date, and forward them a bill of lading, requesting them to effect insurance.
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来源::未知 | 作者:欧冠竞彩_欧冠投注-中国足彩在线app推荐 | 本文已影响 人
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- [银行英语] 银行基本业务口语
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- [银行英语] 银行英语口语-兑换货币
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